Mobile 1:1 Personal training


Our Services To You

1st Lifestyle Assessment


We meet you at your home or business and find out your current needs and lifestyle and understand with you ways to increase your quality of fitness

Aerobic (Heart) Fitness


We train with you at places and times to suit you! You decide the exercise and we will motivate and show you how to get the maximum from your session and build a new you.

Resistance (Weights) Training


Including this into your week is easier and the benefits are enormous. You don't have to look like Hulk Hogan to be successful at resistance. We can select programs to build, develop or firm up muscular definition!

Nutrition Advice


Food is fuel for the body. We understand the potential for proper nutrition and have qualifications in nutrition advice and clients are informed on various styles of cookery and recipes to build a menu that works for you!

Group Classes or work out with a friend


We can lead activities and classes for group workouts and activities. Keep up with a friend!

Motivation !


Getting a workout plan is easy. Following it isn't! We will be there to help motivate and show you new ways to challenge yourself!



Book your FREE 1st Assessment  - Phone 07952 169 708
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